Outhouse Tour Hdqtrs and ballot box outhouse Elk Falls, Kansas is the self proclaimed Outhouse Capital of Kansas. The tiny community has a open house and Outhouse Tour on the Friday and Saturday before Thanksgiving. Elk Falls is a town of less than 200 people that bills itself as the World's Largest Living Ghost Town. The slogan helped draw some artists to the community and revive the town a few years back. The first stop of the tour is in the one block long downtown at the Outhouse Tour Hdqrs where you can purchase an Outhouse Button, ballot and map for $1. The few blocks of the small community has yard sales, the competing outhouses plus a year around art outhouse display, quilt & craft show, a vintage camper gathering, live bluegrass music bierocks, pie, apple dumplings and several dining options, including a free ham & bean feed. After touring all of the outhouses, vote for your favorites and place the ballot in the "Voter's Booth" outhouse. 2024 is the 28th year of the Outhouse Festival. Can't make it by Elk Falls during the annual Outhouse Tour? You can still get some photo opportunities at the Outhouse Grove.
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