Eudora Community Museum
 1428 Elm Street
Eudora, Kansas 66025 
(913) 690-7900

Open Tuesday through Saturday: 12 - 5 PM
or by appointment

Eudora Community Museum Map

Eudora Community Museum - Eudora, Kansas
Eudora Community Museum
Eudora Community Museum - Eudora, Kansas

The Eudora Community Museum in Eudora, Kansas is maintained by the Eudora Area Historical Society and for several years was located in the former Nottingham Elementary School building on the south side of town. Following 2 years of rehabilitation, the museum moved into a historic building in downtown Eudora on April 4, 2015. 

The 720 Main Street building was built between 1870 - 1883 and has been the home to a tin shop, hardware store, furniture store and the Eudora Post Office. Rehabilitation continues on the second floor of the building and much of the collection is currently in storage. At the present time, a typical visit to the museum will probably take only 15-30 minutes.

Themes explored in the museum include Shawnee Indians, Western Expansion, the Oregon Trail, Eudora and the Civil War, Eudora as it developed in the late 19th Century, Eudora's African American Community and the Sunflower Ammunition Plant.

First floor of the new Eudora Community Museum building.

Sunflower Amunition Plant sulfuric acid concentrating plant
Model of a sulfuric acid concentrating plant at the former Sunflower Ammunition Plant in De Soto.

Eudora Community Museum research area - Eudora, Kansas
Research area 

Eudora history timeline

Sunflower Ammunition Plant - De Soto, Kansas
Photo of a small portion of the former Sunflower Ammunition Plant (1941-1992)

Location of the Eudora Community Musum until 2015.

Eudora Community Museum Map - Eudora, Kansas
Eudora Community Museum Map

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copyright 2013-2025 by Keith Stokes