Geary County Historical Society Museum

 530 North Adams
Junction City, Kansas 66441
(785) 238-1666

Tuesday - Saturday 1-4 PM

Geary County Historical Museum Map

Geary County Historical Museum - Junction City, Kansas
Geary County Historical Museum
Geary County Historical Museum - Junction City, Kansas

The Geary County Historical Museum occupies an attractive limestone building which opened as the Junction City High School in 1906. There are three floors of permanent and rotating exhibits. The displays and organization are far better than most local historical museums.

We found the most unique and interesting part of the museum to be the room devoted to cameras and photos of the community by a variety of photographers, including A.G. Emery, A. P. Trott, J.J. Pennell, and C.W. Weller. The third floor includes a nice exhibit using fixtures from the old Union Pacific depot ticket office and waiting room.

Union Pacific depot ticket office and waiting room - Geary County Historical Museum
Union Pacific depot ticket office and waiting room exhibit on the third floor

The  "Main Street" gallery at the left was completed in 1993 and depicts six businesses typical of the early 1900s.

Amature Junction City photography
Amateur Junction City photographers in the late 20th Century

mammoth jaw and teeth fossil
Fossilized section of the upper jaw of a mammoth, which was discovered in the Republican River channel
during the excavation for the Milford Dam.

farmhouse kitchen - Geary County Historical Museum
"Grandma's Kitchen" modeled after a 1900-1920 rural farmhouse kitchen

One room school
Country schoolroom exhibit on the third floor.

hook and ladder wagon
Hook and ladder used by the Junction City Fire Department prior to 1950

Geary County Historical Museum Map - Junction City, Kansas
Geary County Historical Museum Map

Geary County Museum website
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copyright 2013-2025 by Keith Stokes