Glass Spring's Dairy

5702 West Longview Road
Hutchinson, Kansas 67501

Archive Page Only 
Grass Springs Dairy had permanently closed
when we revisited in March 2019.

For a similar experince,
visit The Potluck.

Glass Spring's Dairy Map

Kansas Specialty Food Guide

Hutchinson Kansas Restaurant Guide

Glass Spring's Dairy - Hutchinson, Kansas
Glass Spring's Dairy
Glass Spring's Dairy - Hutchinson, Kansas

Archive Page Only - Grass Springs Dairy had permanently closed when we revisited in March 2019.

Jacob and Luane Beachy moved to Glass Springs Dairy, southwest of Hutchinson, Kansas in 1999. They have over 40 Jersey cows and operate a micro dairy selling raw milk, butter, eggs, cheese, ice cream, kefir (fermented milk), bread, pickles, preserves, salsa, honey and meat which has been grown using sustainable farming. No hormones, antibiotics, steroids, or immunizations.

The dairy store is in a small freestanding building which was unattended when we visited (though a friendly lady waived to us from across the yard). Many of the items available for sale are frozen. The raw milk is available fresh or frozen. Kansas only permits sale of raw milk on farms.

Once you have made your selections, you fill out an invoice, including sales tax which can be computed on a calculator, and leave the form and your payment in a basket.

Other items available to purchase include rugs, soap and Melaleuca products.

Glass Spring's Dairy - Partridge, Kansas
Glass Spring's Dairy - Amish milk shed

Glass Spring's Dairy Map farm market
Glass Spring's Dairy salesroom

Glass Spring's Dairy raw milk
Fresh whole milk

Glass Spring's Dairy frozen dairy products
Frozen bread, cheese, peanut butter ice cream and butter

Glass Spring's Dairy kefir and cheese
Fresh cheese (cheddar and havarti) and kefir

Glass Spring's Dairy canned fruits and vegitables
Canned tomatoes, pickles, jalapenos, salsa, jam and apple butter

Glass Spring's Dairy Meats
Frozen beef, pasteurized chicken and pork

Complete the invoice and leave your payment

Glass Spring's Dairy Amish wagon
A wagon behind the dairy, in front of the 1910 barn

Glass Spring's Dairy Map Amish horses

Glass Spring's Dairy Map - Hutchinson, Kansas
Glass Spring's Dairy Map

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