Hutchinson Art Center

405 N Washington Street
Hutchinson, Kansas 67501
(620) 664-1081

Open Tuesday - Friday: 9AM - 5PM
Saturday & Sunday: 1 - 5PM

Hutchinson Art Center Map
Hutchinson Restaurants and Attractions

Hutchinson Art Center - Hutchinson, Kansas
Hutchinson Art Center Gallery and Sales
Hutchinson Art Center - Hutchinson, Kansas

The Hutchinson Art Center Gallery is operated by the Hutchinson Reno Arts and Humanities Council. The free gallery includes a permanent collection, a changing program of special exhibits and a large gallery of two and three dimensional art which is available to purchase.

The hours are listed at the top of this page, but they are not very consistent. The first time we attempted to visit the gallery, the building was closed when it was scheduled to be open. The second time, I just happened to check and found that the building was open when it was scheduled to be closed.

The changing temporary exhibits occupy more of the galleries than the permanent collection, but I found the most interesting part of the Center to be the quarter of the building devoted to art for sale.

Hutchinson Art Center galleries
Temporary exhibits

3 dimensional art by various artists

Hutchinson Art Center permanent collection
Permanent collection

Hutchinson Art Center sales
A small portion of the art sales gallery

Hutchinson Art Center Map - Hutchinson, Kansas
Hutchinson Art Center Map

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LS-4/13  copyright 2013-2017 by Keith Stokes