Cedar Lake Falls

15500 South Lone Elm Road 
Olathe, Kansas 66061

See also nearby Cedar Creek Falls

map to Cedar Lake Falls
Guide to Kansas Waterfalls

Cedar Lake Falls - Olathe, Kansas
Cedar Lake Falls
Cedar Lake Falls - Olathe, Kansas

Cedar Lake Falls is located in the spillway just below the Cedar Lake dam in Olathe, Kansas. It is the second of four waterfalls which were pointed out by Randy Rasa of kansascyclist.com. I am almost embarrassed to say that years ago I regularly fished next to the Cedar Lake overflow dam, but never realized that there was a waterfall just a short way down the spillway.

Cedar Lake is a 75 acre lake surrounded by a 54 acre community park which was originally dedicated in 1920. To reach the falls, enter Cedar Lake Park on the access road off of 159th and follow it along the south shore of Cedar Lake all the way to its end near the dam. There is an undeveloped trail which leads northwest from the turn around, paralleling the spillway.

There are a couple of places where Cedar Lake Falls can be glimpsed from the cliff that lines the spillway, but there is no easy way down the bank. For the best view, continue along the pathway, downstream past the falls until it crosses an off shoot of the spillway that is usually dry. Turn right and follow it along its bed and it will lead you to the creek below the falls.



The Cedar Lake overflow dam can be seen in the distance beyond the waterfall


Northern Water Snake  (Nerodia sipedo)
I think this a Northern Water Snake (Nerodia sipedo) - it was sunning itself next to the creek below the waterfall

Cedar Lake Dam
Cedar Lake overflow dam - the falls is beyond the photo on the left

This fisherman just caught a black bullhead (Ameiurus melas) near the Cedar Lake dam - Cedar Lake has fishing for blue gill,
black bullhead, channel catfish, crappie, green sunfish, largemouth bass, saugeye, wiper & flathead catfish

Cedar Lake Falls Map - Olathe, Kansas
Cedar Lake Falls Map

Kansas Waterfall Guide
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copyright 2011-2020 by Keith Stokes