Skeezix's Toy Museum - Goff, Kansas The late Melvin Swart collected over 2,000 toy tractors, trucks and cars. After his death in 2004, his brother Gerald Swart built a 960 square foot building to display the collection and keep it together. Skeezix's Toy Museum in Goff, Kansas is named for Melvin's nickname and a character from the Gasoline Alley comic strip. The collection includes toys of the various tractors which were used over the years by Melvin and Gerald, their father, their grandfather and other family members. There is also one of the oldest known tractors, as well as toys made by Melvin Swart and handmade cardboard toys made by Robert Morrison. A Worthington Tractor, sod buster tractor, 1936 CC Case Tractor, and the Old Goff Jail are displayed on the grounds. There is also an original bridge from "Great White Way," out of sight on the farm. The Great White Way was a 1914 highway route which went 1,161 miles from Chicago, Illinois to Colorado Springs, Colorado. Skeezix's Toy Museum is at the Swart family farm, 1/2 mile west of Goff, Kansas on the south side of K-9.
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