Stafford County Museum - Stafford, Kansas The Stafford County Museum in Stafford, Kansas is spread across four buildings which are all within a block of each other in the center of the downtown. The main building is primarily offices and a local history library. The Historical Society has done a good job of taking advantage of that space and displays items without crowding. For example, they display beautiful stage advertising curtains so they can b e totally appreciated, whilemany museums have them partially hidden by other exhibits. The museum is only open 9AM - 3:30PM week days, but they are willing to open by apointment one of the Board of Directors and her husband met for a tour and photography. The Milton Annex houses old vehicles including a horse drawn hearse and was the only building which was not air conditioned (it was still about 100 degrees the evening of my visit). The Museum Annex is two buildings and houses numerous items including several advertising stage curtins, a Civil War artillery piece and an original hand dug well. The principal museum is in a beautiful bank building. Exhibits of special interest include many quilts, William Gray's photography equipment and 29,000 glass plate negatives which he took. Mr. Gray's studio operated from 1905-1947 in the nearby community of St. John.
County Museum website
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