Rees Fruit Farm 

 2476 U.S. 24
Topeka, Kansas 66617

(785) 246-3257

Open Monday - Saturday all year
Sundays in the Fall

Kansas Specialty foods

Rees Fruit Farm - Topeka, Kansas
Rees Fruit Farm market
Rees Fruit Farm - Topeka, Kansas

Rees Fruit Farm and cider mill, near Topeka, Kansas, has been operated by the Rees family since 1901. They grow 24 different varieties of apples which are hand picked. Rather than select a combination of apples that they believe will produce the finest cider, they change the mix of apples through the season and Rees apple cider tastes different at different times through the season.

All of Rees apple cider is pasteurized and most of it has preservatives. Some apple cider without  preservatives is available if you visit Rees Apple Farm, but you cannot purchase it un-pasturized.

I visited Rees Apple Farm with a friend who grew up in Topeka 35 years ago. She was pleased to discover that Rees still sells the apple slushes which loved. I'm pleased to report that they are very good.

The Rees family grows asparagus, rhubarb, strawberries, gooseberries, tomatoes, raspberries, cherries, blackberries, squash, peaches, nectarines, peaches, apples, grapes and pumpkins. They also distribute honey, preserves and baked goods.

They sell pies from New Strawn, Kansas.

behive in Rees Fruit Farm
Active beehive in Rees Fruit Farms retail market.

Rees Fruit Farm
Rees Fruit Farm is east of Topeka, Kansas at the intersection of K-4 and US Highway 24.

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copyright 2008-2025 by Keith Stokes