Vernon Filley Art Museum

421 S Jackson Street
Pratt, Kansas 67124
(620) 933-2787

Tuesday - Friday: 9 AM - 3 PM
Saturday: 1 - 4 PM

Adults $4    Seniors $3
College Students $3  Ages 5-17 $2

Vernon Filley Art Museum Map

Vernon Filley Art Museum - Pratt, Kansas
Vernon Filley Art Museum
Vernon Filley Art Museum - Pratt, Kansas

Vernon Valley Art Museum in Pratt, Kansas opened in its newly constructed building next to the city library in 2014. The museum's goal is to enhance cultural life in Kansas by providing access to the arts through exhibits and education.

Most of the museum is taken up by two galleries of rotating exhibits. When we visited the museum, both buildings housed an exhibition of the art of Virgil Penner. They were mostly bright, colorful acrylic landscapes where many vertical lines swing to the left as if wind blown.

There were just a few pieces of other art on display, plus an attractive enclosed patio and a nice gift shop. We purchased a children's book, but found art by regional artists for sale that could easily have found a home with us.

The museum hosts free Lunch and Learn Events from noon - 1 PM on the First Friday of the month in the spring and fall. Bring your lunch with you.

Museum Docent Guided tours are offered on the first Saturday of every month beginning at 1:30 PM, with regular admission fees. Docent tours are also available for groups are available with a two week advance appointment with the museum. No admission fees are charged for school tours.

Admission is free on the Second Saturday of each month, when there is also an art activity for the entire family.


Virgil Penner
Virgil Penner paintings

Virgil Penner pen and ink

"Like Mother Like Daughter by Stan Davis (permanent collection)

"Ghost of Comanche Creek" by Gene & Rebecca Tobey (permanent collection)



Gift Shop

Vernon Filley Art Museum Map - Pratt, Kansas
Vernon Filley Art Museum Map

Vernon Filly Museum website
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2021-2025 by Keith Stokes