Paul Boyer Museum
of Animated Carvings
1205 M Street
 Belleville, Kansas 66935
(785) 527-5884

Temporarily Closed

Boyer Gallery Map
Kansas Grassroots folk art 

Paul Boyer Gallery - Bellville, Kansas
animated sculpture at Boyer Gallery
Yes, she is doing what you think she is doing

Paul Boyer lost a leg when he was 35 years old. He needed something to do, had always been mechanically creative, and started carving. For many years, he has made fascinating mechanical creations with tiny mechanisms to make them move. The mechanisms are as beautiful as the sculptures and many of the sculptures are funny. I particularly like the ones with hillbillies.

The Boyer Gallery in Belleville, Kansas was closed for two years, just before I learned about Paul's art, and I had previously only seen one of his creations at the Grassroots Art Center. But the art gallery reopened in 2007 and I was delighted to finally see Paul Boyer's art in person. You really have to watch the pieces move and listen to them to appreciate Paul Boyer's work.

The main gallery has many pieces on display. Each case has a button which you can push to operate the animated sculpture. The smaller front gallery includes photos of some of Paul's earlier large creations including vehicles which his children rode. There are paintings by Paul Boyer and his daughter Candy. A very few works (including animated sculpture) are available for sale.

Paul's family loves their father and his work and they are a hoot to talk with. Paul may be at the Boyer Gallery when you visit, but that is happening much less often these days.

Admission to the Boyer Gallery is $6 for age 13 and older, $3 for children 6-12.


This is Paul Boyer's version of their local sand company at work. This is not an ambitious crew. In fact, they are
hardly working, but they do move little bits of sand and they have job security. All the sand goes back into the
sand pile to be moved tomorrow.

mechanical drums

Paul Boyer adjusting machine that has 8 separate tracks, with 2 tracks operating at all times. Approximately
200 hours were spent making the machine.

Based on a true story. The door will open and the lady inside is not happy about getting her roof fixed. 

Its Sunday afternoon. A great time for a ride. This couple have been married so long they are beginning to
look alike. (Especially their noses.) They are a team. He holds the reins. She pokes the horse. Every third turn
of her head she laughs. She is having a very good time. 

This working calliope is all handcrafted - made mostly of solid cedar. It still needs
improvement and fine tuning. Approximately 500 hours of work and 24 hours

Paul Boyer's sketches
Some of Paul Boyer's doodles, saved from the trash.

Paul Boyer's daughters
Paul Boyer's daughters Ann & Candy greet visitors to the Boyer Museum

Paul Boyer Gallery
Paul Boyer Gallery - Belleville, Kansas

Boyer Gallery Map - Belleville, Kansas
Boyer Gallery Map

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copyright 2007-2024 by Keith Stokes please do not link to or take video without permission.