Atchison Trolley Tours
Thursday, Friday & Saturday
in October 2022 reserve
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The Muchnic Art Gallery
on North 5th Street was built in 1885 by lumber merchant George W. Howell.
A servant is supposed to have fallen to her death while
hurrying on the back staircase. Although one of the neighbors reports never
witnessing any spirit activity, others report that the lights on the back
staircase turn off and on by themselves and that some Sunday mornings there
is a smell of cooking bacon in the kitchen.
The 2007 tour tells how AV equipment refused to operate
in the old mansion until the museum gave up and moved the electronic to
a different room.
Open to the public March - December. |
Featured on television programs several times,
this North 2nd Street home is said to
be haunted by Sallie, the "Heartland Ghost." The home
once belonged to a doctor
and Sallie was a young patient who died in the home.
Tony and Debra Pickman moved into the home in 1993 and
had many unexplained experiences, starting with minor pranks and growing
more harmful. The pranks escalated into attacks on the young man. The TV
show Sightings visited the home and filmed a welt appearing on the
on the man's stomach. It has also been featured on Unexplained Mysteries.
The couple left after the man was pushed from behind and
almost fell over the stair railing. A psychic visited the home and said
that there are two spirits and the malevolent poltergeist is a the spirit
of a 30 year old woman.
There have been no reports of attacks on anyone since
they moved out. |
There have been various reports of haunting in the upstairs
of this haunted home on Parallel in Atchison. The Atchison Globe reported
that the owner Beatrice Shisler has seen a "fuzzy looking face appearing
on a wall and has heard weird noises."
She said, "I do know there are people who won't even drive
by the house because of the experiences they've had." |
After passing this house at 6th and Parallel on Trolley
Tours twice, I still can't remember details of the "haunting" and have
no notes on them. It must be the influence of the spirit:-)
Still, it is an interesting old home and I am leaving
the photos here. If you know the details of this haunted house, please
the details. |
This home at Kearny & 6th Street is reported as having
a spirit which gets along well with the family dog. Once sounds of walking
and a door closing led the family to discover a fire that was starting
in the basement.
More recently there are reports of a motorized toy car
starting up and running on its own. A ghost with the face of an elderly
lady has been seen in the house. |
This large empty lot at the corner of 12th and O Streets
was once the site of the Atchison Cemetery. The cemetery was eventually
moved, but 100 bodies were not accounted for and remain beneath the ground
at this location.
There have been no reported ghost sightings at this location,
but that may be because people avoid this abandoned cemetery.
This is included in the 2019 Haunted Atchison Tour. |
Remember these are mostly private homes. Do not trespass.
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