Spearville Wind Farm

10193 126 Road
Spearville, Kansas   67876
Phone: (620) 385-2830

Gray County Wind Farm  Smoky Hill Wind Farm
 Wolf Creek nuclear power plant

Spearville Wind Farm - Spearville, Kansas
Spearville Wind Farm
Spearville Wind Farm - Spearville, Kansas

In 2006, the 5,000 acre Kansas City Power & Light Spearville Wind Energy Facility became the the third wind farm in Kansas. The $160 million dollar, 100.5 megawatt wind farm has 67 turbines which produce enough electricity to power 33,000 homes. The GE Energy 1.5 megawatt wind turbines are mounted on 80 meter towers and feed an underground electrical collection system. The turbines at the Spearville Wind Farm are designed to turn on when the wind speed reaches 8 mph, at which point the blades will rotate about 10 times per minute.

The Spearville Wind Energy Facility is the first large scale wind facility in Kansas to be owned and operated by a regulated electric utility. It is located 17 miles northeast of Dodge City, Kansas, on the north side of the combined US Highways 50 & 56 and can be seen for many miles. The information kiosk shown below is on the north side of the intersection of the US Highway and County Road 126.

In 2010 Ford County approved a proposal from Topeka's Westar Energy to build Spearville's second wind farm, a much larger 500 megawatt facility.

Spearville Wind Energy kiosk
Information kiosk

Spearville wind turbines

windmill and wind power
This windmill is just a few hundred yards from the GE Wind Energy facility

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