Cars on the Route
(formerly 4 Women on the Route)
Kan-O-Tex service station on old Route 66

119 North Main Street
Galena, Kansas 66739
(620) 783-1366

Thursday - Saturday: 10 AM - 3 PM
but call to confirm

Cars on the Route Kan-O-Tex station in Galena, Kansas
Cars on the Route - Four Women on the Route
Cars on the Route - Galena, Kansas

Cars on the Route in Galena, Kansas is a fun stop on Old US Highway 66. The old Kan-O-Tex service station at the north end of Main Street in Galena, Kansas was restored by 4 women from Galena: Betty Courtney, Melba Rigg, Renee Charles and Judy Courtney. They helped lead the rebirth of Galena's stretch of Historic Route 66. The dubbed the gas station "Four Women on the Route" and operated it as as a tourist attraction for several years.

The ownership has since changed with new partners and several of the original partners leaving. Today it is "Cars on the Route," and the emphasis on the connection to the movie Cars. Melba is no longer a partner, but stays on at Cars on the Route and delights in telling visitors about the history of the building, the movies.

Cars on the Route sells sandwiches, snacks, antiques, Route 66 and Car's items, including several made by local craftspeople and artists. Outside the building there will be several vehicles, including the mining boom truck that inspired the character "Tow Mater" in Radiator Springs from the movie Cars. For trademark reasons, their boom truck "Tow Tater." Tow Tater still runs and can be hired to appear at special events.

Tow Tater and restored vehicles which resemble other Cars' characters.

Tow Mater from Radiator Springs in the movie Cars
"Tow Tater" is the 1951 International Boom truck that inspired the character of "Tow Mater" in the movie Cars.

Melba Rigg with scrap book and Radiator Springs memorabilia
Melba Rigg  - "Melba the Mouth"

Galena's new snack bar
Galena's snack bar in the garage at Cars on the Route.

Route 66 restroom
Restored rest room with Route 66 maps and decorations.

Route 66, Radiator Springs and Cars crafts and souvineers for sale.
Route 66 and Cars crafts and souvenirs for sale.

Clay Tow Tater (Tow Mater)
Clay Tow Tater (Matter) crafts for sale

Route 66 KanOtex gasoline pump.
KanOTex gasoline pump.

Tow Mater wrecker from Radiator Springs - Tow Tater boom truck
Tow Tater


Murder  Bordello
 Bordello or not? This restored home across the street from Cars on the Route was reputed to have been owned by
convicted murderer and bordello madam Ma Staffleback, but that claim is disputed by local historians.

Historic Route 66 in Kansas
Galena   Galena 2   Riverton   Baxter Springs   Empire Power Dam Falls
Cars on the Route  Gearhead Curios  Galena Mining and Historical Museum
Eisler Brothers Store    Baxter Springs Heritage Center   Decades of Wheels
Schermerhorn Park & Southeast Kansas Nature Center

Kansas Attractions   Kansas Travel & Tourism Home

copyright 2007-2025 by Keith Stokes